Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Trial

The FBI took me away for trial for housing a prisoner of war. My dad said that he wants to take me to Memphis because there's a lawyer there. We have a fight like usual and it was because I said that Anton cared for me more than he did. He yelled very mean and rude things towards me. Ruth got involved and that made my dad even more angry, causing him to fire her.
    I went to go stay at my grandparents house in Memphis. While I was walking from Jenkinsville to Memphis, many people gave me dirty looks and harassed me. When I got to the house, Charlene Madlee came and talked to us. She told us that I was probably too young to be prosecuted under the Treason Act, because she thinks that America would feel barbaric to prosecute a young person.
   In court I was called a traitor and a person with no loyalties. My lawyer wasn't the best person ever either. He told me that I had embarrassed Jews everywhere. While Mr. Calvin Grimes was taking me to the Arkansas Reformatory School for Girls, we stopped for dinner on the way and talked about Anton, lawyers, and my sentence.

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