Sunday, December 8, 2013

Couple days later....

I woke up in the reformatory and started day dreaming about going to Germany and visiting Anton's parents. The morning bell rang and my roommate, Mavis, and I went down to eat breakfast. When I came back to my room, I heard that Ruth had come to visit me. She came with ginger snaps, fried chicken, and the ring Anton got me. I asked Ruth what was wrong with me, because nobody loves me and I always get into trouble. She told me that my parents were the problem and that she still loves me.
  I then told Ruth about how I want to be a news reporter under the pen name Antonia Alexander. I was thinking that I could make my first article about the Reformatory. The lady came and told Ruth that she has to go now, and that made me very upset. We had time to say goodbyes and then I was mad that I couldn't give Ruth anything before she leaves. But then she left and closed the door that separated us and we had to go our own ways.....

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