Sunday, December 8, 2013

Couple days later....

I woke up in the reformatory and started day dreaming about going to Germany and visiting Anton's parents. The morning bell rang and my roommate, Mavis, and I went down to eat breakfast. When I came back to my room, I heard that Ruth had come to visit me. She came with ginger snaps, fried chicken, and the ring Anton got me. I asked Ruth what was wrong with me, because nobody loves me and I always get into trouble. She told me that my parents were the problem and that she still loves me.
  I then told Ruth about how I want to be a news reporter under the pen name Antonia Alexander. I was thinking that I could make my first article about the Reformatory. The lady came and told Ruth that she has to go now, and that made me very upset. We had time to say goodbyes and then I was mad that I couldn't give Ruth anything before she leaves. But then she left and closed the door that separated us and we had to go our own ways.....

The Trial

The FBI took me away for trial for housing a prisoner of war. My dad said that he wants to take me to Memphis because there's a lawyer there. We have a fight like usual and it was because I said that Anton cared for me more than he did. He yelled very mean and rude things towards me. Ruth got involved and that made my dad even more angry, causing him to fire her.
    I went to go stay at my grandparents house in Memphis. While I was walking from Jenkinsville to Memphis, many people gave me dirty looks and harassed me. When I got to the house, Charlene Madlee came and talked to us. She told us that I was probably too young to be prosecuted under the Treason Act, because she thinks that America would feel barbaric to prosecute a young person.
   In court I was called a traitor and a person with no loyalties. My lawyer wasn't the best person ever either. He told me that I had embarrassed Jews everywhere. While Mr. Calvin Grimes was taking me to the Arkansas Reformatory School for Girls, we stopped for dinner on the way and talked about Anton, lawyers, and my sentence.

Gone Forever

After the beating, I was very hurt, and the sheriff came to the store. He wanted to ask me some questions but I wouldn't tell him anything until I got my ring back from my dad. He forced my dad to give the ring back, and then started asking me some questions about the man. I told the sheriff the same story I told my dad and Sister Parks, and he believed it and didn't think the guy hurt me at all.
    But one afternoon, my dad brought the FBI members with him home. Mr. Pierce who had questioned me before came too and asked more questions about the man. He then showed me a picture of Anton and asked if that was how the msn looked like. I told him he looked nothing like the picture. But then he showed me the shirt I got for my dad but gave to Anton. There was a tiny tear surrounded by bloodstains, and I instantly asked if he hurt Anton. I told him Anton's full name. He told me that he had killed Anton while trying to escape arrest in New York.

The Ring

I felt like I had to choose between my father and Anton, so at dinner I tried asking my dad about his day, but he just snapped at me. My decision was made... I walked Ruth to Nigger Bottoms and said goodbye to her. At night, I packed some of my belongings and met Anton in the hideout. He told me I couldn't come with him , and I told him I love him. he told me he loved me too and gave me a ring that had been in there family for a long time. He then left to catch a train...and I felt like I wouldn't see him again.
I really miss Anton, I wear his ring around my neck everyday. I went to the store and saw that Sharon was putting on a show and my dad said he would take her straight to Hollywood. I went and told Sister Parks about the ring and when she asked me where I got it from, I told her this old man on the street gave it to me. Also, I said that he called me a valuable person...Sister Parks then asked my dad if the ring was real gold and my dad asked me where I got the ring from. I told him the same story I told Sister Park, but he thought the man molested me and beat me in the store after calling me a "dirty girl".

Last Day

My mom was complaining about some food missing and blamed Ruth. She even threatened her that she would fire her, so I told her that I ate it and she got mad. But my father surprisingly said, that I could eat whatever I wanted to. After my parents went off to work I was talking to Ruth over breakfast. She asked me who the man in my life was and I was surprised. Apparently she saw Anton running to help me when my dad was beating me. I then told her that Anton and her were my only friends. She then asked me if he was the German soldier that the FBI was looking for. I couldn't lie to her and said yes, I then went up to where Anton was and started talking to him. I finally admitted that I dislike my father,  Anton compared him to Adolf Hitler, because they are both very cruel. But he also told Patty that her dad once said, "Nobody loves me. In my whole life nobody has ever loved me." This kind of surprised me, but then, Ruth called us for breakfast, and Anton started panicking because he thought I told someone his secret. But I told him it was just Ruth and that she already saw him risk his life in trying to save me.
 Ruth cooked us breakfast and we all sat down at the table to get to know each other, but then we heard a car pull up and thought it was my father. I quickly took Anton and hid him under my bed but it wasn't really dad.. it was only Mrs. Henkins coming to pick up Sharon. Anton said that he will leave that night because he thinks that he is putting us in danger, but I didn't want him to leave and told him that he was safe with me.

Almost Found

The FBI began questioning me and I felt very nervous, and ended up crying. I told them that we talked about where we had each came from, but I told them that he purchased a straw hat like the other soldiers instead of a pin. Afterwards, a reporter named Charlene Madlee came by looking for the sheriff. I led her to the sheriff's office, I asked her how she became a reporter and we talked about our love of words together. I had to go to the prison camp and when we got there, Charlene invited me to come and act as a reporter. we went and talked to the doctor that had treated Anton. He described him as a nicer guy than the other guys. the doctor also said that Anton wouldn't want to cause trouble, he'd just want his freedom. When we got back home, I was thinking about how Charlene was telling me about becoming a  reporter, but I was thinking I could do so much more with my life. I was giving food and clothes to Anton when I remembered a Father's Day shirt I gave to my dad. He never appreciated it, he just mumbled a "thank you" but he never wore it. It had his initials embroidered in it and everything.... I gave it to Anton and we continued talking. I then just felt really mad at him, all of a sudden I was thinking why he hasn't asked me to come run away with him. I then started thinking that Anton was only being nice to me because I was protecting him. After I left the hideout, Freddy Dowd came and asked if we could play. My parents came home and saw me far away from the house. My dad then beat me because I was disobeying his orders. I saw Anton coming out to me and my dad and I screamed for him to go back. I didn't know that in the process Ruth saw him...

Meet Again....

I was up in the attic finishing my "hideout" and just looked out the window. I could see a young man running on the train tracks. I found out it was Anton and left the house to go to him. We went back inside and I kept him in my hideout. At dinner, mom and dad were fighting about the store profits. I was thinking that at night I could get Anton some food. So that night, I went to the kitchen to pack some food but my dad woke up and told me to go back to bed. The next morning, I waited until my parents went off to work, and asked Ruth if she could make me some extra food. I brought it up to Anton and we started talking. He told me the real reason of why he bought the pin from the store. Anton used the pin full of fake diamonds to bribe one of the guards to get out. The guard thought it was real diamond and let him out. He then asked me why I was hiding him. But I didn't want him to know the real reason, so I told him it's because I'm Jewish, and we laughed. News about Anton being missing has come to Jenkinsville. the FBI came to our store and asked my dad if he has seen him, my dad told them that he didn't remember too much about him. But then, sister Parks told them I knew them....

Friday, December 6, 2013

Happiness Turns Bad...

Today I get to hang out with my grandmother. We had lunch and went shopping. I wish I could do this again next week, but sadly, grandma is going to be away. This made me disappointed and angry even until I got home. Nobody cares about me here. They all care about Sharon and how amazing she is. I can't disagree, but it gets on my nerves. Freddy Dowd came over and we decided to play a game where you throw rocks at the car. When I threw a rock, it hit a car's window and broke it. I immediately went  to Ruth and asked her if she could lend me money to repay the owners of the car. But then when I was trying to look for the family, my father came, and he knew everything. That didn't go very well...
  It's Saturday morning now and I'm excited that I get to work at the store. When I got to the store, my mom didn't look very happy to see me. She said go play with Edna Louise. I didn't want to so I told my mother that I sold an item for twenty five dollars. But then she started talking about my appearance, and how she hates it. This made me mad, because I actually brushed my hair and wore a dress, but she didn't care and made an appointment with Mrs. Reeves to get my hair done. I didn't want to go so I objected but my father threatened me, causing me to leave for Mrs. Reeves' house. I then got stuck with having a permanent wave in my straight hair.....

The Meeting

Hi! I'm Patty Bergen and I have a sister, Sharon, and a housekeeper Ruth. Today is a sunny day and I met one of the German soldiers that came by. His name is Fredrick Anton Reiker, and he was a really nice person to talk to. I can't tell anyone any of this information or else they'll shun me for liking a German. So, because of that, I had to tell my mom that I was talking to Mrs. Jackson in order not to get into trouble. I went and told my friend Edna Louise Jackson, but I didn't expect the answer she gave me. She disagreed with me just because he was German. Everybody here doesn't like the Germans because of what they did. It's not fair sometimes... I do hope I can see him again. It would be a wonderful meeting, especially since he actually talked back to me.